How to write fiction

What we see, we covet

photo of a person reaching out his hand
Photo by Murilo Folgosi on

The moment Hannibal lecter is giving Clarice Starling the crumbles to solve Jessica Bimmels murder —the very first Buffalo Bills murder; he says: We covet. And what do we start coveting but what we see every day?1


Speaking about adaptation difficulties and the reasons why the book will never be the movie and viceversa in case it is well done and in case it isnt; but what I mean is that Robert McKee (Story) was speaking of something else when he mentions, as any of those ham smears in a ham sandwich sold in a poor street, something more interesting. At least for me, since you and I know better why them both HAVE to be different.

McKee brings out (paragraph length) the cinematographic style of Flaubert at the same time Eisenstein, movie chap director, learnt to edit movies reading Charles Dickens. Shakespeare’s fluency dreaming about the apparition of the camera.


So, this kind of battle, born from envy (I think); to try and get something narrated in the same way a different media can do it, in what McKee calls a challenge. The action and social interaction of the film in the novel. Something achieved by Camilleri. The relishing abyssal abysms of sub consciousness of novel into the screen. And here you might like to help me naming some movie that can do so.
Maybe that’s why I have been watching movies (not really, just a lazy one who cant sit down in front of a computer for hours and hours). Good ones and terribly good ones to deactivate my brain in order to keep watching. Reading manhwa and webtoon where the clichés are the plot and characters go against their own nature to satisfy the wish of having the big dick guy into their pants. The kind of marvelous jewels.


We covet what we see, what we listen too. We covet it in our craft and we go neck biting (in a literal sense) to kill characters and commit the most atrocious of crimes well told plot pro. Whats the last crime you committed?

Spend the best of times coveting. Pasto kalo.

  1. Not a literal quote, it will consume too much time to go and fish the book from the bookshelf and it might not survive the process; it being a second hand copy. This is what I remember and stood there, some circumvolution of my brain at, as a life truth. We start to covet what we see every day and lack. ↩︎

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