Why to create adorable despicability? p2
Hence, how do we have our characters to be apart and different? In BL that’s easy. One of them is hetero and homophobic. Or the other is simply unaware due to being a narcissistic wrench; love here is not to turn hate into passion but total indifference into lust. And lust is easier to get through aphrodisiacs than love through attention and open ears. First happens conveniently in seconds, the last… I shrug. For hetero romcoms, such opposites come as ironic hateable comments that escalate into a twisted flirting. Asexuals… Well we can’t be integrated into scene in spite of being the TOTAL OPPOSITE of sexual people. How do you…
Why to create adorable despicability? p1
Have you ever found yourself romping over the villain's evilness? Without the despicable one, we have no interest. This thing of antagonistic forces pushed to the limit, raises tension. It's the corn starch to give body to the plot gravy. Robert McKee mentions to face main character against his opposing antonym. The double negative of her situation. We have the classical boy meets girl... A family feud of death and bigotry. Ronald B. Tobias explains how this is old and no longer possible... Hence, how do we have our characters to be apart and different?
Up to chapter 15: Why to discuss firsthand the obvious fact?
Such a basic obvious fact needs to be discussed in order for us to notice and not waste our time following tips or ideas just to discover later, we're not aware of the media's strengths and weaknesses. You don't write a movie the same way you write a novel despite it being quite difficult not to learn how to, by reading novels when you’re a scriptwriter and watching movies as a novel writer. Movies envy novels and novels envy movies.
Why to show ONLY the tip of the iceberg when writing?
“If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that he knows, and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of the iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. The writer who omits things because he does not know them only makes hollow places in his writing.” Ernest Hemingway
¡Al ataque mis valientes! Ah, que era un chiste
¿El primer requisito de la comedia? Tener algo en contra de la sociedad o algún grupo en particular.
Estilo de vida: te volverás un mentiroso
No importa si es una historia realista o de fantasía, en el momento en el que alguien se pregunte cómo está construida la historia la credibilidad se va por el caño y con la credibilidad se va la empatía.
Plagia # 10: El personaje, el elemento adictivo
¿Y cómo cocinar/elaborar/manufacturar este opiáceo maravilloso? Pues hay varias formas. No las conozco todas y es posible que no tenga la menor idea de como hacerlo. Lo que planeo hacer es describir las que he visto o leído. Dependerá de ti aplicarlas lo mejor posible. Si buscas ser dibujante de cómic es posible hayas visto una forma de crearlos en algún manga. La más sencilla.