How to write fiction

Why to create adorable despicability? p2

woman in a black costume with a cape and horns
Photo by James Superschoolnews on

Hence, how do we have our characters to be apart and different?

In BL that’s easy. One of them is hetero and homophobic. Or the other is simply unaware due to being a narcissistic wrench; love here is not to turn hate into passion but total indifference into lust. And lust is easier to get through aphrodisiacs than love through attention and open ears. First happens conveniently in seconds, the last… I shrug.

For hetero romcoms, such opposites come as ironic hateable comments that escalate into a twisted flirting. Asexuals… Well we can’t be integrated into scene in spite of being the TOTAL OPPOSITE of sexual people. How do you convince someone who believes garlic bread is better than sex (and sex is LAME[1]) to actually fuck? Love might do, but love won’t make your loins flutter. Love is boring in a very special way.

So we rest upon self hate. Main character hates themselves so they can’t love but things get better… Like in 28 days. Also we disguise the wolf in sheep skin by having the violence and destruction to sleep in the same bed. Now that physical abuse is no longer in, manipulation and verbal abuse leave a track of CPTSD behind…

And I’m using love for the sole reason that love is like weaponry. War is somehow a good way to make money in Wall Street without losing it to the minor fluctuation. Love is akin in terms of plot interest. It won’t lose 3 points out of the blue just because. Aromantic people and asexual people read romance and love it… Yet, it changes. I won’t say evolve cause some ideas of omegaverses are as new as the XXIIth century.

Long ago, BL was filled with facing homophobe societies, parents disowning their kids because of liking dicks… No cancellation in power. Despite most of BL plots still coming from… Not gay friendly countries, now it pictures nonchalant friends[2] who accept and even demand the gay guy/gal to confess and be done with it; parents giving up in lieu of parental love… So much any mention to spanking Grey and no-one raises a brow. On screen.

Which is why the double negation of the main character’s paradigm is not so easy to cement into foundation and our job to find it through research or playing goof…

Waiting to be antagonized?! Don’t and like this nonsense! (For sure you have already done it since I’m quite annoying at asking). Have a wonderful time looking up how to negate the negation. Pasto kalo.

[1] Remember some asexual are sex positive, I’m just enjoying depicting the worst case scenario! That in yaoi causes the story to crash and burn before there’s any smooth.

[2] To tell you the truth, it ain’t as stupid to depict such plots since below the Dixie line homosexual/black people is still being dragged and tortured/ killed for liking pink or being openly » unusual»… And Europe sports cases of beaten people due to their origin/ sexuality/ colour. What the heck is white I wonder?

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