How to write fiction

Transformation, the most interesting plot of them all p2

a brown leaf on tree branches
Photo by Ugur Tandogan on

There is no change without price. In this, the transformation plot is very similar to the Quest… minus the “looking something” for character. Something has changed or is going to change no mater what. They will alter someone else’s life with results that for sure will affect themselves.

As a requirement, transformation plot starts with the incident triggering transformation, there is no pilgrimage here. The pilgrim is already in Santiago de Compostela. We are interested in what happens there. No Holy Grail quest. In the Quest, we are interested in the travel.

That’s how the picture of the façade is not the important thing. It is the x ray film we are mulling about. We need to compare dental records. What was before, what comes after; so we understand. How does the character changes inside, what is coming from the change.

The outside/body is in itself the transformation field. Gregory Samsa is one of the usual suspects to be under this plot’s effects (tough his is a different plot).


  1. Transformation is an intern process. No matter how tempted you are to make out of your vampire an incubus with cutie little goat horns as a change.
  2. Inflection moment has to appear in phospho phospho1 colours in the first act. The previous state of the character is crucial to understand the change.
  3. Usually the climax belongs to the consequences of change so we clearly appreciate the change
  4. The second act (should I place this before number 3?); is a self reflecting psychoanalysis. The character asks themselves what we usually ask ourselves morning in front of the mirror or late before hitting the sack. Our lives will remain more or less the same; character’s life won’t.
  5. We want it radical. We want it huge change. No matter if it is just to become sour after realizing a kiss in darkness is just anything but happiness.
  6. This is a forda. It looks simple but it ain’t. Keeping it interesting is hard.

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Enjoy your changes. Pasto kalo.

  1. Tik Tok video one of my younger cousins finds terribly fun… Don’t ask. The point is the phosphorescence. ↩︎

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