What are the 7 principles of theatre plays? p4
Last time it was all about how characters reacting and talking the way they’re supposed to on stage creates the mood but this entry is about TIME.
In a play, time runs parallel; two to three hours happening in real time. A sort of dramatized reality show. What you see happening is happening in the time things take in the real world. Thus the convention is somehow shared with movies and TV… And yet there’s bullet time and fast forward video, hence time is a lot more constricting in a play.
Novels… Novels have Windows time. We describe or stop describing to set pace. To decode takes longer, we need to know the code. No wonder anime is more popular than manga. Manga/the comics require(s) reading (decoding); the totality of the action is limited to a certain numbr of frames (key frames) and, of course, paper arrangement to suit the available space.
Anime is pure action in terms of movement and it doesn’t have a tradition of onomatopoeia and graphic symbols but can make use of the spotlight of the movies.
I believe this is why most people would choose the movie instead of the book. In the real time I describe a garbage container filled to the brim under a flickering street light making out the shape of a fish like teenager being talon greeted by the local gang, a video sequence has already done the number in less time. Just to read and understand the whole paragraph takes 20 seconds approx. Talon greeted? What’s that? How can a teenager be like a fish? So it takes more time than video to decipher, not to just read. Plus, we need to burn calories by imagining.
Enunciation identity
The actor assumes an identity and speaks in first person. There’s focalization but it is not dependant on the narrator. It is dependent on the order of revelation and is pretty similar but not quite the same to us playing to be the main character.
Partial focus. Do we feel cheated by an omniscient narrator who goes telling the story to their convenience? Maybe this is why first person’s narrative is becoming more and more common since each enunciating entity is not in possession of the whole truth. And theatre allows this individual voice without anyone clarifying who is saying what or who knows more than everybody else in a way you can’t miss statement- character. This is why we can see a hero chasing after the villain axe to hand or pistol handed whilst the villain is ready to fall from the ceiling.
Opacity. Not theatre, TV series or movie have this skull can opener quality which allows us to listen to thoughts and feelings as novel, comics and tales can in the same way Facebook or X do. Theatre has a dialogue half way between what’s possible to be said and the mess of a human’s mind that can be perceived through tone, body language and actions but can’t fully let us in.
For the video’s author, the first three conventions make a play up in the strict sense. If you were to break the three at the same time, there wouldn’t be any play at all. The other three are not as important and can even be the reason you become original when playwright writing but the first three are the core of theatre narrative.
This is why we go by trying to learn from the other media. Because theatre has its own strengths and weaknesses and we can use this knowledge to up our own game.
Whilst a narrator could be more effective at stating the conflict and painting it red than a dialogue, we can’t afford to waste time in a play. This is unique to theatre plays the way I understand narrative.
Summarizing, a playwright depends on dialogue to state the conflict, show the characters’ feelings (limited by time) and show us a climax. Together with the limited range of movements, there are no camera angles or zooming neither fades to black; so everything has to fit the real time on stage without edition.
It is in dialogue that we can trust to dramatize certain situations in our media, just like what happens in theatre.
Nonetheless, remember I’m just a nobody trying to explain herself the rules and ways of narrative out there thus this entry might be pure nonsense. No more drama and like this nonsense now !
Pasto kalo.