What is terrible, red and relishing?: plot and temptation p1
Temptation is the prelude to sin. The usual mortal sin like gluttony, sloth (maybe this one does really count), rage, lust… Seen as something immoral or stupid. Nowadays mostly the stupid.
The YouTele video which keeps us from cooking a proper dinner, irresistible chats with a friend instead of writing, reading BL, planting evidence. Steal what’s on sight but nobody will notice. Not to pay taxes. Eat the extra bit of donut which goes off your diet by 5000 calories.
Welcome to the decadent, forbidden flavoured plot called temptation. Ronald B. Tobias (20 master plots) starts the explanation opening the chapter by quoting Oscar Wilde and mentioning the superstars of Christian-hebrew narrative plus a sliding animal. I won’t.
I will mention though, the two only outcomes for this plot.
Either the character resists or succumbs to temptation. Maybe we can make a second plot up called Redemption out of succumbing to it.
Conscious there, the Erinyes come and torment us with their whips. If not them; karma does its job —a cute and endearing way of believing politicians will meet their demise for using our taxes gilding their home doors or that the hideous neighbour might step on dog’s excretions for playing too loud music in parties we’re not invited to. For religious people, consequences to sin go from arriving to an overly warm place (where to burn, be disjointed and other delicacies) to ice avalanches, reincarnation into a goat-ant-insect or whatever the imagination their highest priest can craftily conjure. In a few words, the best crafted storytelling to incite fear.