How to create a character’s ID profile when writing?
There’s this person. They are close to you and no. Do not say their name aloud. They’re in trouble with the mafia and our mission is to create a solid witness protection identity. Yes. I know. This is only an exercise.
Yet… If you play this game poorly, the person might end cement shoed and very deep sea sank. So let’s do it since this exercise is from 90 days to your novel by Sarah Domet.
Go get that lock drawer kept story or notebook. I’ll wait even if you need a shovel to dig it out from the garden. Just don’t come in with mud in your shoes.
Name: blank? It has to be sticky and memorable as Ajab, Katniss, Bridget…or Caleb. Maybe Harry or Johannes [Cabal]. Tough in my opinion, Ajab is as sticky as water. I remember it only because it is repeated over and over again in literary analysis. What do you think about Shalique Shan’ou [does that last name even exist?]
Age: at the time of the magical training she is 30 something.
Career: magical supplements door to door sales woman.
Family: father, mother, brother, a dead baby sister. Reinhardt as the colleague less than a husband, more than a friend, pet?
Personality traits: and this is a question I don’t get at all. Do I have to take an IMJ or whatever test? She can’t stand bullies, she loves eating but can’t over eat cause she has reflux and she keeps her mother’s last gift in a drawer.
Where is she from? Lebelian, invented city in an invented world. She lived there until she was 10 y.o. and the bombing destroyed her house, her baby sister and had them living in a camp until they could leave. Her brother Agnan acquired his cockroach phobie in there. They escaped when her father became a fisher in a fish boat rescuing drugs in international waters.
Education: high school. Witches do mentorship programmes in a social service model.
Physical description: she is average and slim, her nose a little curved down. The black hair about to be straight but it never really decides on it so she has to braid it to avoid the frizz. Strong hands and short nails, she can’t have her nails long. At the beginning she is regretting her decision of cutting her long hair.
Motivation: to find the book collector to prove the Chantrelles are doing illegal stuff.
Deepest fear: to loose from sight justice and it’s effect on other people’s lives through revenge without taking into account the person’s background.
She likes: her socks in order, chicken, country side mice, a turquoise wool coat, reading horoscopes, Madonna.
Things she hates: murder series like CSI or Wallander. The old oil smell, canned sardines, dog poop in the sidewalk and bullies.
Where does she live? Communal community centre in Reign city, assorted places with Reinhardt.
Favourite music: reggaeton in Spanish, Arab pop, K-pop and Madonna.
What does she like about herself: her big dark eyes of long lashes and her justice sense.
Favourite childhood memory: her meeting with Ravina and Ziggy.
What’s her most traumatic life event: to talk to her own «corpse».
Most prized possession: herself.
Transportation: subway and train or bus.
Favourite food: bell peppers and meat.
What’s the most attractive thing about her personality? She is not very quick so she likes straightforwardness. That’s why Ravina’s subtle way to beat the bush is the thing she hate the most about her friend.
What’s her voice like? A nice low feminine tone
Her description in five words by other people: friendly, stubborn, just, a bad cooker and decisive.
Favourite ice cream: coffee.
Pizza: definitely without pineapple.
Up to here I’ve been trying to pop a character up from an exercise proposed by Sarah Domet. Obviously, you can create your own questions. Some people are interested in the cleaning habits, sexual behaviour… Etc. Some have enough personality to be a blank if the boyfriend ditches them.
Have the best of times creating your character. Pasto kalo.