How to write fiction with a strong faith (in yourself)
Ha. Now I’m supposed to convert to some other religion? You might be thinking.
Yes…. Something alike but not quite.
To your own religión. Believe in what you’re writing. Believe in it enough for you to finish whatever it is that you’re writing. So you won’t abandon it “because it is pure shit”.
It for sure already is shit. At the beginning. And you’ll have to fight the story until you finish it so all the shit gets shaken off. Then you might forget about it for a while, becoming manure until it is ready to fertilize the squash, cucumbers and tomato plants. Once your seedling all full fledged, then, then you’ll have a wonderful story. And that for sure will turn up into more stories. Patience. The one who gives up loses.
So you don’t believe me. Read “Bright phoenix” included in A pleasure to burn. It was rejected. You might recognize in a second the style. And the great book derived from. Clue: this was published in 1963 in the Fantasy and Science Fiction magazine.
Believe. Celebrate your small achievements. Do an effort to challenge yourself. Suscribe. Let’s believe in one another.